Me (wandering the living room aimlessly): Oh my. Oh man.
Chris (playing computer game): What?
Me: I just read, in Twilight, [spoiler spoiler spoiler]. I'm like overwhelmed. I don't know if I can go on. It's too great. (beat) What's that screaming?
Chris: My peasants are on fire.
Me (leaning over computer): Put them out! What are you waiting for?
Chris: I can't, only the dragon lady can put them out.
Me (sighing): Jacob Black would put them out.
I don't understand what's going on here.
See revisions, Tom Tomorrow.
This just me snort out loud in my cubicle.
Thanks for not revealing anything else about these books. I'm way behind in my reading- but hope to catch up soon so that I can understand what the obsession is!!
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