Sunday, May 18, 2008


75,000 people turned out to hear Obama speak in Oregon. Biggest crowd to date.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I'd've bought a ticket.

A thousand shirtless Naval Academy midshipmen climb all over each other to reach the top of a giant, lard-slathered phallus.

Military tradition or gay porno?

Sometimes it's hard to tell.

I suddenly want guinea pigs.

You will too.

Can I get a Hell Yeah?

This is real, and it's really what it looks like. Google Yves Rossy.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quote of the Day 2

"This is bullshit. This is malarkey. This is outrageous."

--Senator Joe Biden on President Bush's speech comparing Senator Obama's foreign policy to that of Nazi sympathizers.

Gotta love Biden.

Quote of the Day

"In contrast to earlier times, our state now recognizes that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation, and, more generally, that an individual's sexual orientation -- like a person's race or gender -- does not constitute a legitimate basis upon which to deny or withhold legal rights."

-- California Supreme Court on striking down the state's ban on same-sex marriage.

Friday, May 9, 2008

New Titles From Three Favorites

I know the summer is going to be a good one when it starts out with three new books from three of my favorite writers.

Blood Roses, by Francesca Lia Block, comes out on the same day as Snuff, by Chuck Palahniuk. And two weeks later, When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris hits shelves.

It might be nice if they were spaced apart more so I'd have more to look forward to, but I will be just as happy having them all waiting to be read. Sadly, I tear through these authors' books and am finished all too soon. Especially Francesca Lia Block.

When reading each of the three, I frequently come across lines that I wish I'd written. That I could have written if I was more focused or more creative. They inspire me to write.

As if I didn't have enough to be excited about with the upcoming vacation, anniversary, birthday, boat party, family trip to Vermont, I can now add these new book to the list. I'm so excited, I want to wiggle.

Message Rock

See #1 and #2.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

First sign of moving

I got my June MBTA pass at work today, and instead of a commuter rail pass, it's a T pass. Hooray!

Jackhammering by Wig World

Outside my cubicle window, down on the surreal, Bermuda-triangle-esque street known as Temple Place, between the button store and Wig World, there is jackhammering.



As recently as 2004, the Obamas' adjusted gross income was $207,647, according to their federal tax returns. That's much higher than the national median household income of $48,201, but for a family of four living in high-cost Chicago, $200K isn't exactly rolling in it.

...The increase in the Obamas' wealth has been swift and strong. Their glory days started in 2005, when the couple earned $1.7 million. In 2006, they earned $983,000. Last year, they pulled down an impressive $4.1 million. And no, Tony Rezko had nothing to do with this: Obama's newfound wealth comes from the success of his two books: Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope have sold more than 2.25 million copies since publication, according to Bookscan.

The future president made his money by being a writer. I love that. My pennypinching side loves this more, though:

How do the Obamas invest their money? Very, very safely--like a couple who wants no risk of ever being middle-class again.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

All right, I'm calling it

Everyone else is calling it, so I might as well too: Barack Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Because I can't help gloating a little bit, I direct your attention to this LCiN blog post from November, where I correctly predicted an Obama/McCain race. If you recall, this was back when McCain was bankrupt and polling in single digits, and Clinton was inevitable.

How did I know? A crystal ball? A keen political sense?

No. Just this: On the Republican side, McCain had to win because all the others were so laughably embarrassing. (Romney? Giuliani? Come on.) And on the Democratic side, Obama was just too good a candidate to lose. Obvious.

On running mates, though, I have no idea what will happen. My heart would skip a beat for an Obama/Joe Biden ticket, even though Biden is better suited for secretary of state. I like James Webb for Obama's VP. There's been chatter about him going with Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas. Alas, I have no predictions this time.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Trained Animals II

The Ringling Bros train is once again parked outside Providence. Has it really already been a year since the circus came to town?

Lars and the Real Girl

I was excited to see this movie even though I heard mixed reviews and Mike was skeptical. I loved it. It balanced a fine line between comedy (which would have taken a lot away from it) and drama (which would have made it too depressing to watch).

Mostly it made me wish I lived in a small-town community because that aspect of the story is what touched me the most. I don't like not knowing my neighbors.

I'll probably never watch it again but I'll think about it for a while and I suggest you check it out. It's a perfect movie for a lazy Sunday morning.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Derby foreshadows?

Hillary Clinton enthusiastically picked a filly named Eight Belles to win the Kentucky Derby and compared herself to the horse. Eight Belles finished second. The winner was the favorite, Big Brown. Eight Belles collapsed immediately after crossing the finish line, and was euthanized shortly thereafter.

Link. :-)

Dinner speech

Every time I'm starting to fall out of this election, he yanks me back.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Daily Photo

For the last six months I've been taking a daily photo. It started as a daily photo of me which was pretty boring so now, after a few other attempted themes, I'm trying to focus on colors.

I'm hoping to make it the whole year - ending in October. Six months to go!