Monday, December 29, 2008

New Moon: Italy and Making Out

Maggie: The Italian vampires felt very Anne Rice-ish. In Interview With a Vampire, Brad Pitt's character also drinks animals' blood to avoid killing humans. They travel to Europe and run into vampire who seem more sophisticated but are cruel killers.

Ben: Their meeting in Italy was weak, I think. First Edward's like, "Oh, Bella's here, I must be dead." That's all? He kills himself over her, and then when he sees her, all he can do is ruminate on the afterlife? And once he realized he wasn't actually dead, there was no fanfare at all, really. I realize they were in the midst of a predicament, but shouldn't their joy have knocked everything else into the background, at least for a minute?

Maggie: I wasn't swooning at their reunion scene back in Bella's room as much as I thought I'd be. I loved that the make-out scene was a bit heavier than in Book One. And the vote that followed at the Cullens' house - I was kind of annoyed that Bella was just like "okay let's do this thing" as soon as the vote was completed in her favor. That didn't feel realistic.

Ben: I thought the should-we-bite-Bella vote was weird too, especially that Carlisle voted yes. I'm not sure that turning someone from mortal to undead really jibes with his Hippocratic Oath...

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