Saturday, October 14, 2006

Chafee for Senate?

Living in Massachusetts, one of the bluest states, there's not a lot of chance to play in the game of national politics. Not that I'm complaining about its blueness, of course, but when you vote with the majority, it's... well, boring.

In Rhode Island, especially this election year, it's a bit different, and a senate race here has presented me with a quandary.

Running for re-election is Lincoln Chafee, a Republican. He's made news by being the only Republican to support marriage equality, as well as for his decision to not vote for Bush in 2004 (he wrote-in Bush's father). I like him.

Running against Chafee is Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat. He seems like a talking head whose script hasn't strayed from "bring the troops home now."

There's no doubt that I want to vote for Chafee. He's an independent thinker -- in my opinion, a good example of what a senator should be. But unfortunately, because of the actions of other members of his party, this election is about more than Chafee vs. Whitehouse.

Whether the Democrats take over the House or Senate isn't about the Democrats at all, but rather is an affirmation or denouncement by the public of Bush. The headlines the world will read will be either American people side with Bush or American people oust Bush's party. I think it's important for our credibility as a country that they see the latter headline.

The race is close. Can I vote for Chafee and risk the Democrats losing the Senate by one seat? Is it more important to vote for a good man or against a bad man?


Anonymous said...

This is why there needs to be a third party. Bipartisanship in this country leads to stupid quandaries like this. Yet again the independent party isn't helping when their leaders are people like the rude, insensitive Christy Mihos.

Ben Monopoli said...

Well Mihos just went independent because the Republicans snubbed him. But I love him because he'll split the Republican vote enough to insure Deval's win.

Anonymous said...

vote FOR the good man- give him the credit for being the good man.But that's easy to say because I have the same problem
If Deval wins,(and he probably is the much better person) people like us, the real middleclass, will really suffer for the benefit of the poor and the aliens , with higher taxes etc. So, WHO do I vote for- the better person or the one who will protect me better????

Ben Monopoli said...

As one of the 60,000 people who had to leave MA under Romney, I just want someone who can fix things enough so I can afford to come back. None of my friends can afford houses -- Ethan and Melissa are talking about moving to RI to buy one. I don't think Healey (as Romney-lite) will change that. Deval seems fresh enough to deserve a chance.