Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twilight: Vampirization

Ben: In the book, the vampires' physical beauty is attributed to an evolutionary advantage that draws in their prey. Since I don't think only models are allowed to become vampires, it makes me wonder what the vampires looked like before they were bit. When Edward was a mere mortal, were his features not quite as "absurdly ridiculously flawless" as they are post-vampirization? Did his eyes and nose adjust into perfect symmetry during the vampirization process? And along with their beauty augmentation, did they gain a heightened fashion sense, too, do you think? They all dress so well!

Maggie: I too wondered if they were beautiful before becoming vampires. They'd have to be, because some venom can't change the basic structure of your face, right? Things like that race through my mind and threaten to ruin books for me.

Ben: Well, in terms of someone transitioning from human to undead, it's not a great leap for me to imagine bone structure changing along with muscles, posture, etc. The vampire venom is probably a catalyst for major changes to DNA. Plus, the facial changes needed to turn an average-looking person into a model are probably depressingly minor anyway. A little off the brow, a little added to the cheekbones, and suddenly Sloth from The Goonies looks like Paul Newman.

1 comment:

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