Thursday, January 25, 2007

Snakes on a Plane

It'd been a while since I'd heard Samuel L. Jackson yell four letter words, so when my roommate brought Snakes on a Plane home the other night, I watched it with them.

What a terrific B-movie! It had all the B-movie elements: from cheesy dialogue and gratuitous boobs to hilariously unrealistic special effects and a flimsy plot. This movie should be applauded for harkening back to horror movies that were more funny than they were scary.

Now that I've seen it, I wish I would have wasted the money to see it in the theater. The snakes didn't just bite people: the bit people in the genitals and on the eyeball. They crawled in and out of the dead bodies. The four of us gasped out loud and shouted in surprise and disgust dozens of times. Imagine how much fun it must have been to be with a huge theater audience?

Thank you, Snakes on a Plane. Every now and then it's refreshing to see a deliciously bad movie.


J.Hock said...

If you will notice when the guy puts the snake in the microwave he presses the "snake" button.

Maggie said...

No way!