Wednesday, November 8, 2006

House and Senate, baby!

What a beautiful day.

I don't know what the best part has been. Maybe it was the sheer joy of winning. Or maybe it was watching Rick "Same-sex marriage is as absurd as marrying your dog" Santorum go down in flames, and George "Macaca / We're gonna knock their soft teeth down their whining throats" Allen's defeat turning the Senate blue. Maybe it was the montage of worldwide newspaper headlines on the news, happily drawing a distinction between the American people and the obnoxious president we rebuked. Maybe it was seeing Bush slink out to fire Rumsfeld, who on Monday had the president's full support -- and realizing that however tyrannical I like to complain a president is, thanks to some clever thinking 200+ years ago, he's only ever one election day away from being a lame duck.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I Yippee'd last night when I saw the news.