Monday, December 8, 2008

Weather Stripper

Saturday I went to Home Depot and bought some foam weather-stripping for around our condo's front door, which is not so much drafty as un-private. The walls between the condo units are miraculously sound-proof -- it's easy to imagine we're in our own house because we never hear any hint of the neighbors.... except when they're in the lobby. Then, because of the spaces around our door, it's like the door isn't there at all. So when we're watching TV -- and Dexter is chainsawing a person to bits or Bette & Tina are going down on each other -- and I hear one of the neighbors coming home, or someone checking their mail, I get embarrassed. I've always turned the volume down quick when I hear someone enter, which makes me feel like we have no privacy. But the foam makes a big difference. Dexter is now free to slash away and I don't need to worry about the neighbors getting suspicious.

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