I ordered the first disc from Netflix because I heard it was a good show. Mike and I watched the first episode and were both disgusted by it.
For him, as a former smoker, it was hard to watch every person in every scene smoking a cigarette.
For me, the portrayal of over-the-top sexism of the time was stomach-turning. I hope that maybe some of the female characters start to portray something of a feminist awakening in later episodes, but I'm not hanging around to wait for it. Nor am I optimistic that it ever happens.
Every single character was despicable - male or female. The women encourage each other to show more leg so the big-shot executives won't fire them. The men say things like, "Love doesn't exist - guys like me made it up to sell nylons." I don't mind shows that can be sad, like Six Feet Under often was, but I have a feeling this show will never make me feel good (Six Feet Under often did).
Funny, I was just watching a movie called TEETH, described as a feminist horror movie, about a girl with a tooth-lined vagina, which bites off the schlong of a would-be rapist. He sure gets what he had coming to him.
I just read a review of that in the latest Bitch Magazine (yes, it was saved, and even had 16 pages in color this latest issue).
Was it good?
I was watching it on Netflix Instant Play, and my internet connection died halfway through, and when it came back on I wasn't interested enough to restart the movie. It was OK, but maybe not campy enough to support its premise.
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