Sunday, July 30, 2006

Before 30

I'm also reading Swim Naked, Defy Gravity and 99 Other Essential Things to Accomplish Before Turning 30 - ridiculous maybe, especially because I won't be 30 for several more years. Also ridiculous because, unknown to me, the author is a frequent contributor to women's magazines like Glamour. Had I know that, I probably wouldn't have bothered requesting it from the library. But they held it for me and I went to get it, so I decided to read it.

I was pleased to find that I have already accomplished many of the tasks the author sets for her panicking readers. In addition to being pleased by this, I was also disappointed to see how trivial some of the ideas were. Things like "find the perfect shade of red lipstick." I guess maybe simple things like that are included to make the lazy or stunted approaching-30 woman feel that she has done something worthwhile, something worth including in a book.

Not everything is frivolous. "Learn to accept compliments," "own your mistakes," "find your religion," "get to know your parents." These are noble quests, but how can you do it with only a one-page accompanying write-up for each action item?

After a second browse through, I realized I wasn't that proud to have already "accomplished" some of the things included: get a massage, read your old diaries, write thank-you notes, sleep in a hammock, write a complaint letter, Google yourself, build a campfire, swim naked, break all of your parents arbitrary rules, own a frivolous pair of undies, have your fortune told, get waxed...down there, eat soy, walk in heels, and give yourself flowers. Done and done. But what does that do for me?

Most of all, this made me want to write my own list of things I'd like to accomplish before turning 30. One of the only things that would make it onto my list that was also in the book is "travel solo." I would like to take a vacation by myself - one that involves a plane. I've driven plenty of places alone, and I've flown alone but there has always been someone waiting to get me when I land. I want to go somewhere unknown and be on my own the whole time. It's an uncomfortable thought, much like going to the movies alone once was. I heard somewhere that you should always do things that make you feel uncomfortable or that scare you.

I'm not sure what else would be on my list of things to accomplish in life. Do you?

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