Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Shelter Dogs

If I had to take sides in the Cat v. Dog debate, I'd probably say I'm a cat person. This isn't because I like cats more than dogs, but because of my personality and current lifestyle: I'm uptight, lazy, and resistant to long-term commitment.

For example, I'm a little weird about germs when it comes to animals. I always wash my hands immediately after playing with or touching a pet. But, since cats don't go outdoors and are generally revered as very clean creatures, they get the edge over dogs. I wouldn't want a dog to sleep on my bed, but I let our first (and so far only) foster kitten sleep under the covers, walk on the pillow, and lick my face. I would not let a dog do those things.

Also, I'm lazy. I like that little has to be done to care for cats. They don't need you to take them out. They don't need walks. Which leads into the third point: my resistance to being tied down to something. In theory, although it might not be nice, you could leave a cat alone for a couple of days if you left enough food out. Whereas a dog would require you to be home with some regularity (unless it was one of those teeny dogs that could be litter-trained, but I wouldn't want one of those. I want a big dog.) Cats get another point for being more self-sufficient.

Nonetheless, I like dogs better. There's more responsibility, there's more commitment, but there's more pay-off too. Dogs seem to be like life companions while cats are sleeping buddies or TV buddies. I would call a dog a friend. I would talk to a dog.

But, until I get over the fear of a decade-long commitment to caring for an animal (and until I get an apartment that would accommodate a big dog), I am grateful that I can go to the shelter and walk them. Most of the dogs there are big, which is often the reason why they are there. I especially like walking a hulky husky, and a big senior-citizen german shepard. This is Comet, a foxhound(not big), who came to the shelter last week with his brother, Crafty.
Although Comet and Crafty aren't 'big dogs', I would still take them. I wish I lived on a farm or in the middle of nowhere and could have a pack of dogs. For some reason, it would be a lot easier to commit in that scenario than it is working a 9-5 and living in an apartment in a metro area. Or is that my excuse?


Ben Monopoli said...

Save for the sprig of toes visible behind Comet's front-right leg, he looks three-legged!

Anonymous said...

I think cats are aggrivating. I hate that they have a snotty personality. I also find that having a cat walk on the counter after standing in a pile of its own shit and piss quite repulsive. Any animal to me that is cooped up in a cage or even an apt. and never gets out kinda skeeves me out. I like an animal who isnt confined and gets fresh air. Alot of cats don't. I too drive to do estimates for clients in rich towns like westwood. sudbury, dover, and the like and really wish i could have a house with a barn and some open grass acres. Sigh. I really want a shepard and a few other dogs. To have a little band of marauders, ready at my beck and call. Some day. Now I have to think about apts. and maybe a staffordshire bull terrier to be my little partner in crime.